` ` How Coolit CFD Can Help You
Why Coolit?
Problems with design reliability?
Trying to make it to market faster?
No time for steep learning curves?
Afraid CFD tools are not affordable?
What is CFD?
What about non-CFD methods?
Why Coolit CFD?
Trying to make it to market faster?

Getting to the market faster is clearly a competitive advantage - and a sustainable one. In fact, studies show that in a market where products are introduced every 18 months, arriving just 3 months early can triple your profits. However, reducing time to market using conventional design-prototype-design mode of operation is synonymous with reducing the number of prototypes built and hence reducing the reliability of the product.

Coolit will help you break this vicious cycle, by allowing virtual prototyping that can be done in a fraction of time and cost of physical prototypes. Typically Coolit users save anywhere from $20-$30k and one month of engineering time for a small project, to several millions and months when designing a large system. In addition, the system's thermal performance is optimized and its reliability is improved.

"Coolit can save weeks, if not months of work, depending on the complexity of the design and how intuitive you are in developing the initial cooling scheme," states a designer of telecommunications equipment at Tellabs. "It eliminates having to stamp sheet metal, build physical models, test with thermocouples, and the whole nine yards."


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