` ` With each new generation, processors run faster, generating more heat and creating an ongoing challenge for computer and compu

Thermal Analysis Leads to Cool Designs

Machine Design, April 5, 2000, pp. 112-114

An NEC designer describes his first Coolit project, a heat sink for network servers, where he faced an extremely tight product introduction schedule that did not allow for a lengthy learning curve. The user downloaded the software, installed it and was up and running within 30 minutes. He describes Coolit's online tutorial that stepped him through the entire problem setup and analysis in less than 2 hours, enabling him to built and analyze his first models in a half day.

Coolit Technical Support recommended, that in order to speed up analysis, he should break his problem into parts to assess the sensitivity and relative importance of various design parameters. Using this technique, together with Coolit's high speed native Windows code, the user was able to calculate initial 150,000 cell models in under an hour using a dual Pentium III 600 MHz PC with 512 Mbytes RAM, while the computer simultaneously handled other engineering work. Final-stage calculations averaged 500,000 cells. The user estimates that Coolit thermal analysis sliced his development time to one-tenth that required by previous mathematical approaches. The match between analysis and testing proved to be so good that the company has now almost eliminated prototypes.

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