` ` Coolit v.13 ups solver speed 20x

Coolit v.13 ups solver speed 20x

September 2013

In the latest release of its award winning Coolit CFD thermal software for electronics, Daat Research has dramatically shortened the calculation time. Coolit v.13 incorporates a new solver that delivers results up to 20 times faster than before.

"Large problems with tens of millions of cells used to take 1-2 days to compute," explains Arik Dvinsky, Daat Research's CEO and chief technology officer. "Now they are done in just a few hours!

Aerospace, military, telecomm, and computer industry customers are major benefactors. Typically their problems are huge and they must calculate multiple scenarios in order to optimize their designs. "With the new solver," notes marketing manager, Peggy Chalmers, "they can shave weeks off their design times."

Smaller problems in the range of a few million cells likewise benefit from the solver breakthrough, but at a somewhat lower time savings-typically 2-3 times.

Coolit v.13 also delivers a much faster preprocessor, so that both importing models from CAD and building them in Coolit takes less time. This has been achieved by further optimizing and parallelizing the preprocessor. The more CPU cores the computer has, the greater the benefit. Along with speed improvements, v.13 improves CAD import quality, optimizes mesh cell distribution, and enhances graphics display among many other improvements.

Coolit v.13 is shipping now.

For further information on Coolit products, please visit www.daat.com or email info@daat.com .

Figure 1: Coolit v.13 solver calculates large problems 20x faster.

About Daat:

Founded in 1992, Daat concentrates on the development of top-performing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) products for MS Windows. Daat's award-winning Coolit family of CFD products is available across all Windows platforms and is well-regarded for its remarkably intuitive user interface, a full range of Windows capabilities, and exceptionally fast solution times that are particularly valuable for what-if analyses.


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